In-house training and tests lead to experienced certified diver/technicians

In-house training and tests lead to experienced certified diver/technicians

Hydrex can offer its customers the high quality of service they deserve while guaranteeing the safety of the divers at all times. This can only be done successfully by staff who have experience with a wide range of operations and have gained all the relevant know-how.

Our diver/technicians are trained and qualified to perform all required class-approved repair procedures in even the harshest conditions. This is a result of the stringent training all divers go through, whether they work for the Hydrex main office in Antwerp or for one of the other offices. Besides being required to have official international commercial diver certificates and taking high standard external courses, including safety and offshore courses, they also receive comprehensive in-house training.

Dry and wet welding training at the Hydrex premises.

Training consists of both theoretical classes in the course room and practical drills on the Hydrex premises, including dry welding training. They also have access to a wide range of underwater tools and various other equipment, including three dive tanks in which to practice underwater welding and other repair work.

When new divers have to perform tests for their dry welding certificates, we also have the facilities to do this in-house. These tests are performed at the Hydrex premises under the watchful eye of a class surveyor who then takes the welding samples to a laboratory for further examination.

Class surveyor making a visual inspection of one of the welds performed by a Hydrex diver/technician.

Because our divers are also certified welders, we only have to send one team to the job. They can carry out the operation from start to finish and we do not have to send in new team members halfway through.

New divers get the opportunity to assist experienced Hydrex diver/technicians during operations. The training enables them to become experienced divers and technicians themselves and to take advantage of the technical know-how and practical knowledge Hydrex has accumulated over the last 50 years.

When their training is completed, Hydrex divers can carry out both simple and complex jobs even in harsh circumstances and achieve this uniformly without any waste of time or sacrifice of quality or safety. This has led to an outstanding safety record since the company was founded in 1974 and results in the extraordinary dependability that our customers deserve.

Please contact us if you want further information on any  kind of underwater service you require. We are ready to respond at very short notice.

+32 3 213 53 00

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