Home - Projects
On this page you can find a selection of the most important operations carried out around the world by our teams over the years.
Emergency underwater blade seal replacement
Oil was leaking from a propeller blade of a general cargo ship. The vessel could not use its propeller anymore and the blade seal needed
Scrubber overboard pipe repairs in Europe
Recently our diver/technicians carried out scrubber overboard pipe repairs in Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Spain. The corroded areas of two scrubber pipes were ground
Leaking seal assembly fixed underwater in Antwerp
One of our diver/technician teams carried out an underwater stern tube seal repair on a 300-meter container vessel berthed in Antwerp. The ship was suffering
Hydrex performs propeller repairs as winter arrives
Our teams regularly carry out cold straightenings, croppings and other propeller blade modifications. Winter months usually result in an increase in propeller repairs. Throughout the
Wide range of underwater operations across Europe
At Hydrex we are available at all times. We know how important it is to have a resource you can rely on at all times.
Seachest insert repair on tanker in Rotterdam
A tanker suffered leakage in the starboard side seachest of its engine room. We were asked by the owner to provide an on-site solution. For
Propeller blade cropping in Ghent avoids costly drydocking
Recently we performed a propeller blade cropping on a 180-meter bulker berthed in Ghent. The tip of two of the four propeller blades was severely
Scrubber overboard pipe repairs in Belgium and the Netherlands
Last month our diver/technicians carried out scrubber overboard pipe repairs in Belgium and the Netherlands. In Flushing the corroded overboard pipe of a 229-meter bulker
Underwater repairs in Belgium and the Netherlands
The Hydrex headquarters is located in Antwerp and Rotterdam. The company’s fully equipped workboats allow them to mobilize immediately to operations in all ports in